5 Foods To Heal Your Gut Health



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Gut health. The enigma we can’t seem to decipher, the mystery we can’t seem to solve. Every body is different and everyone needs different remedies to heal their gut health. What with the processed packaged food we’re hand fed by supermarkets and the bucketloads of sugar tipped into our Tesco food shop, it’s hard to know what remedies can help retain that internal health whilst continuing with normal day to day life. 

Whilst one size certainly does not fit all, we have some pointers towards how you can slowly heal your gut health with these five foods. 

1. Sauerkraut. 

A surprising contestant, this pickled cabbage is a great anti-inflammatory to sooth your gut. It’s packed with probiotics, as well as potassium and vitamins C and K. The thing that makes this wonder food so effective is the fermentation process. Throughout the fermenting process, the microorganisms digest sugars and convert them into natural acids. 

2. Kimchi. 

If you know Korean food, you know kimchi. Kimchi is extremely similar to Sauerkraut in that it’s essential fermented cabbage, however it’s packed with extra spices and vegetables. It contains probiotics, vitamins and antioxidants. 

3. Tempeh. 

Similar to tofu, tempeh is a fermented soy-based wonder food. (I’m sure you’re starting to notice a pattern). Tempeh has no cholesterol, and it’s a good way to get B vitamins, fiber, iron, calcium, and other minerals. 

If you’re trying tempeh for the first time, don’t discard it based on its natural taste. Tempeh needs added flavour to enhance it’s chewy texture. There are lots of different recipes you can google to make tempeh the way you like it. 

4. Miso. 

Miso is another soy-based product that’s fermented into a paste. The salty umami flavour is common in Japanese dishes and even drinks (a light miso soup is commonly used as a hot beverage in Japanese culture). As well as supporting your gut health, miso is fortified with vitamins, including vitamins b12 and K. The process of fermentation also reduces toxins and anti-nutrients, such as phytic acid levels of the soybeans in miso. When buying miso, choose the unpasteurised, live, enzyme-rich product that will need to be stored in the fridge.

5. Seaweed. 

A surprise to some, seaweed is the true superfood of the ocean. It contains more fibre than most fruits and vegetables. It’s also rich in a sugar called sulfated polysaccharides (which is a good sugar) which promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gut. 

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